Friday, September 25, 2009

US History and Honors Lesson Plans Sept. 28- October 2


*Warm-Up: Finish watching film on "A Penny Saved". On warm-up page explain how you can become a millionaire.
*Re. History Assign.: Organize notebk. Work in Native American groups getting chart ready for presentations tomorrow.
*Honor's History Assign.: Work in groups on Native American materials and get ready to do a "jigsaw" with the information tomorrow.
*HW: Both groups need to study for physio map test on Friday
*HW HJNORS: Work on ABC book over Glory Fields Section 2. Due Monday October 5
Work on Native American Folktale...we want to present in about 2 wks.


*Warm-Up: None
*Reg. Hist. Assign.: Groups will begin giving presentations to class all day. There will be a speech grade assigned to each individual. A chart will be filled in after each presentation by the whole class.
*Honor's Assign: Research groups will split into POW WOWS and give information on what they learned to other "tribes". Each person will need to fill their charts in with the necessary information learned from other groups.
*HW: Study for test on Thursday
*HW Honors: Same as Monday's


*Warm-Up: None
*Reg. Hist. Assign.: Finish presentations today.
*Honor's Assign.: Kagan Activity getting ready for the test tomorrow...all period.
*HW: Study for test tomorrow
*HW Honors: Same as Monday's


*Warm-Up: Economics video on saving. Write 3 things you learned about investing and saving your money.
*Reg. Hist. Assign.: Physiographic Notes Map Test and correct it. Turn in.
*Honor's Assign.: Physiographic Notes Map Test. Discuss social issues that are
occuring in our society today. Writing a 5 paragraph essay in
the lab tomorrow on the new Access Writing Program.
*HW: Make sure notebooks are ready to be turned in with all Warm-Up activities done.
*HW HONORS: Don't forget the Monday is the due date for the ABC booklet.


*Warm-Up: Put corrected test in notebook and turn in for 100pt. ntbk. grade today.
*Reg. Hist. Assign.: (COMING SOON!)
*Honor's Assign.: In lab writing a (5) paragraph rough draft on a social situation that bothers you and why.
*HW: None for Reg. Hist.
*HW HONORS: ABC book on Glory Fields prt. 2 due on Monday. Native American folklore
due the following Mondy October 12.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

US History Sept. 21-25



*Warm-Up: Drill over 30 map features
*Honor’s and Reg. History Assignment: Finish Physio Map notes with pics
*Honor’s Assignment: Discuss Glory Fields author and section 1
*HW Reg. Hist.: Study for test over map features, test on Wednesday
*Honors HW: Finish first sect. of Glory Fields and complete notes on themes. Due Wed. Study for test Wed. over map features.


*Warm-Up: Nat. American Folklore. On the warm-up page, jot a few notes on what we learned about this NA group from the story read.
*Reg. History Assignment: N.American Notes. Will work in groups highlighting and choosing data to inform the class about your section on that particular region. Each person will become an expert on their topic. A chart will be filled out by everyone in the group. Due for presentation by Monday.
*Honor’s Hist. Assign.: A Nat. Am. folklore will be assigned to groups of two. You must choose how you wish to present your story in the next two weeks. You can read it interpretatively (becoming the characters/narrators as a storyteller), powerpt. showing pictures as you read, or movie maker with music, pictures and story. You will have one class period to read the story with your partner, divide it in half, come up with a plan, and then work individually at home on it. The computer lab will be open each day during intramurals if you wish to work on it there. Due Thursday October 7th.
*HW Reg. Hist.: Study for test on physio map features, test on Wed.
*HW Honor’s: Study for test Wed. over map features.
Themes over Glory Fields due tomorrow.


*Warm-Up: Review of all map terms before test.
*Honor’s and Reg. Hist. Assign.:Physio map test. Movie over the “Value of Money”. On the warm-up page, write the name of the movie, and write 5 things you learned as you watched it.
*HW Honor’s Hist.: Begin reading next section of Glory Fields. Create an ABC chart as you read over key things that happened in the chapter. Draw small graphics in each ABC square to illustrate the meaning. You will have through next week to read and illustrate. Due Monday October 5th.


*Warm-Up: None today…
*Reg. Hist. Assign.: Finish highlighting Nat. American notes and copy onto individual charts.
Begin studying using Kagan Test Review Activity for Physio Note test next week.
*HW Reg. History: Read through physio notes each night. Test next Tuesday.
*Honor’s Assign.: Working in groups, become an expert on one are of Nat. Americans with materials given in class and fill out a N.Am. chart with your groups summation of what they learned. Become an expert on your area, for next week you will “jigsaw” with another group to tell them what you learned.
*HW Honors: Work on Nat. American story.
Work on ABC Booklet over Glory Fields
Test next Tuesday over physio notes.

*Warm-Up: Finish Kagan game studying for test next week.
*Reg. Hist. and Honors: Watch film re. investments and stocks. Start thinking about products you
buy around the house, and we will be checking out if there is stock in those products next week
*HW Reg. : Be reading through your physio map notes. Test on Tuesday. Also be sure that all notes are copied into your Nat. Am. chart for presentations on Monday.
*HW Honors: Work on Nat. American story
Work on ABC Booklet over Glory Fields Sect. 2
Test next Tuesday over physio notes.

Friday, September 11, 2009

US History and Honors History Lesson Plans Sept. 14-18


Warm Up: "To be one, to be united is a great thing. But to respect the right to be different is maybe even greater." Bono What is Bono saying about acceptance of others? Give an example of how you and a friend had a difference of opinion on something but are still friends regardless. (We never got to this quote last week so are doing it this week.)
Assignment: Turn in US Physio Maps....due for 60 pts. today. A note packet will be handed out to highlight key aspects of these physio features. Will need a highlighter. Photos of all 30 Map features will be shown with trivia.
HW: Begin studying the notes for our first test next Tuesday. We will also have a map test over all the geographic features on Tuesday.

HONORS: Same as above plus the following:
Rewrite the prologue in Glory Fields in your own words, first person. How were you taken as a slave. What was the journey to America like. Be sure your writing depicts the horror of this terrible business of slave trading. 8 to 10 sentences is all that is needed. Write it like a diary entry. Due Thursday


Warm-up: Study map together. Honors:
Assignment: Finish notes over physio features.
HW: Study for test on Tuesday.

HONORS: Same as above plus the following:
Read pages 7-44 in Glory Fields. As you read, give examples that support the 5 themes on the handout provided in class. Ex. Lizzy taking water to her cousin at the risk of being caught and made an example of (Courage)You will need to support each theme with 3 detailed enough to clealy demonstrate the theme.

Warm up: Part of a video showing physio features of US...10 minutes.
Activity: Kagan activity remembering trivia on US penny and Physiographic map to get ready for test. Game is played in teams.
HW: Study for test next week.

Activity: Constitution Day activity for about (20) minutes.
Activity: Gear Up Grant advisor and Jerry Keeling will be working with students both days on Oregon Career Materials in the computer lab. They will be taking survey skills tests, and then looking at 2 careers they are interested in and filling out informational sheets on them.

Friday, September 4, 2009

US History and Honors History Lesson Plans Sept. 8-11


*Warm up quote: "Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I understand." What does this quote mean? Do you learn this way? Explain how you do learn.
*Listen to Obama's speech. No assignment...discussion on key pts. and your debate.
*Finish history lesson over the dollar bill
Begin physiographic map over key geographical features relevant to US History. Map, colored pencils and fine pt. sharpie are needed. Will work in groups, but each student must complete their own map. Will use all year.

*Get into groups and work on the physiographic map. Must have all 30 items on map by end of period.
Honors: Check out Glory Fields. HW Read Introduction. Write 1 paragraph summarizing the horrors of being captured as a slave and the abominable conditions on the ship. Write this in 1st person becoming the captured slave and retell your story.

*Warm up: "To be one, to be united is a great thing. But to respect the right to be different is maybe even greater." Bono Write what Bono was saying on your warm up page. Give an example of how you and a friend have a difference of opinion on something but are still friends.
*Go over all lettering with fine pt. sharpies. Color as follows: Blue- rivers, lakes and oceans, brown-mtns., and basin, yellow-Great Plains, green-coastal plains
Honors: Read first section of Glory Fields over plantation slavery. Keep a list of historical data you learn through the reading of this section. Ex. slaves were used on plantations to harvest crops. Slaves had no rights. Overseers were people placed in charge of the slaves and often were cruel...etc...

*A day to remember...Sept. 11, 2001. A look back at a tragic day in US History.
*Maps are due Monday. We will look at satellite photos of the geographical features you placed on your maps. A packet of notes will be given to you regarding each feature and you need to highlight the key words and information on each feature.